Sunday, February 11, 2007

The plan...

I am working on a cook book right now. It is still in its infancy. I am playing with names, one of my favourite's being the same as the title of this blog. I am including some of my best bento tips, some of my favourite canning recipe's, frugal recipe's, inexpensive menu plans, gardening tips for in the plot or in a pot, and maybe a few crafts and other odds and ends. Aye, it will be a bit more than the average "meat, vegetable, poultry, fish " cookbooks out there! It should be done by autumn and then I will be stuck with the decision to hunt down a publisher or self publish. Until then I will share little snippets, tips, recipe's and spoilers for the upcoming book. I hope you all enjoy it and I look forward to your comments, suggestions and even your criticism!


Miss Erica said...

ooooh! Sounds like a good book.
Can't wait to hear some snippets!


Tea said...

Hi Jenny!
Thanks for visiting my blog :)
Yours sounds like it`s going to be one of my favorites and I look forward to coming back!


Tea said...

Thanks for putting me in your links! I`m off to do the same.....


Lark said...

Hi Jenny, Thanks so much for linking to my site! The cookbook sounds great, I shall be following your progress!

Allison x

Jenny said...

Thank you for all your wonderful comments! I am brand spanking new to the world of blogging and it's great knowing that there is such wonderful people in the blogging community!

Judypatooote said...

Hi Jenny, I'm a wanna be too....I think it's great that your writing a cook book.....I own many but don't seem to use them...but I always love to be buy them...It makes no sense.... My kids are great cooks, but I just like to read about Thanks for stopping by my blog sight, and I too will add you to my favorites....looking forward to some snippets too.......judy

Rosa said...

How exciting! Will definately keep a look out. I love the name. Thank you for your kind comments on Bev. hugs.